Supervision is essential for health professionals working in any type of counselling or therapy role, but especially important for people working with the sequelae of trauma with their clients. Benefits of supervision include skills and confidence development, professional and personal development, and gaining a sense of community or support. Personally, people report that they find it enriching and supportive.
Often the supervision offered by workplaces is not adequate, as it is done by line managers or by those with limited or no trauma-specific training. Supervisees need privacy and safety to create the optimal environment for learning, preferably away from work.
My supervision is personalised to your learning needs and is oriented to help you broaden and deepen the trauma-informed practice. Both closed group and individual supervision is available. All supervision is offered via Zoom, and you can also create your own specific learning group if desired. Please contact me on 0408 509 110 or at for more information.